Is eating tamarind bad for men’s sex?
In our rural life in Bangladesh, there has been a long-held idea that “eating tamarind reduces a man’s sexual power”. Don’t laugh, Mister, I’ve heard this myth buster a lot in my childhood
However, now you get fresh information about the impact of men’s eating sour. There is no possibility of reducing the sexual power of a man by actually eating sour fruits.

is the benefit of eating vitamin C ?
Vitamin C is the most abundant ingredient in sour fruits like tamarind, lemon, orange etc. This we all know.
Benefits of this vitamin C including tamarind
- increases sperm count
- increases male semen.
- stops sperm death inside the testicles.
- helps stop the birth of abnormally shaped sperm
The role of vitamin C for male sperm
Did you know that the precondition for giving birth to a child is to fertilize the egg, healthy sperm is needed to fertilize the egg? Vitamin C helps maintain good sperm health.
One study found that men who were unable to be a Father due to sperm health abnormalities were able to be a father after taking 1000mg of vitamin C twice a day for a month.Further studies have shown that when a man’s body is low in free radicals, sperm production is slowed down, In this case, vitamin C increases this free radical.
There is no harm If you take too much sour. Every time you urinate, the extra part is excreted. Because Vitamin C is soluble in water.
How much vitamin C safe for helth
However, it is better not to take more than 50 grams of vitamin C daily.
More benefit of tamarind
- Tamarind was commonly used to treat diarrhea, constipation.
- This fruit may boost heart health in several ways. It contains polyphenols like flavonoids, some of which can help regulate cholesterol levels.
- Tamarind is also relatively high in magnesium. Magnesium has many health benefits and plays a role in more than 600 body functions. It can also help lower blood pressure and has anti-inflammatory and anti-diabetic effects.(reference..
- Tamarind extract contains natural compounds that have antimicrobial effects.
By … pacemaker Santo.
(Correct the wrong part if anyone notices.)
please pardon me for my bad English. Judge my information, not language.)